Mental Health & Wellbeing
Pupils' wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at Ilmington School. Strong mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope when things get tricky and to know how to regulate their emotions.
We work with families to support them in times of crisis and put targeted measures in place to work with individuals to enable them to thrive, when change presents challenge in their lives.
Our Senior Mental Health Lead at Ilmington C of E Primary School is Mrs Keyes. Ilmington School works with a range of specialist service providers to offer support to our children and families. The governor who supports the school with Mental Health and Wellbeing is Mrs Johnson. We have Mental Health Ambassadors in our school who have decided to work to promote mental health in our community. Click here to read the latest news from the MHAs. These are our Mental Health Ambassadors.
We have a weekly Nurture Group with our CBT therapist, Claire Gibb. Claire is joined by her therapy dog, Albi. The children have time to talk about their feelings and any worries in this session. They are supported in exploring strategies to express their emotions and deal with challenges. Sessions last for an hour and are child centred and great fun.
To find out more about the importance of Children's Mental Health, please visit the following websites: