Safeguarding children is of paramount importance to us at Ilmington and is the responsibility of every adult within our school community.
Anyone can make a referral in support of a child's welfare. This can be done in the following ways:
If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child or adult in our school, please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead - DSL
Headteacher, Mr Paul Crouch
01608 682212
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - DDSL
Miss Sarah West (Senior Leader)
01608 682212
The nominated Safeguarding Governor
Mr. Andrew Trotman
01608 682 212
You can also make a referral or share a concern in the following ways. Click on the logos to be directed to external websites or call the numbers below.
Warwickshire Safeguarding Children's Board
Report a concern
If you have concerns that a child is suffering ANY form of neglect, abuse or cruelty, contact us immediately on:
01926 414144
Lines are open from:
- Monday to Thursday: 8.30am – 5.30pm
- Friday: 8.30am – 5pm
Out of hours
If you have an emergency outside of usual office hours, please contact the emergency duty team immediately on:
01926 886922
National Charities
Emergency Services
If a child is at risk of experiencing physical or sexual harm, or is in immediate danger this is an emergency.
Call 999 immediately.
Call 101 for advice and to report a concern about a child.
Ilmington School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, governors, visitors and parents to share this commitment.