Please see our up to date uniform policy here:
We are proud of our school uniform which is practical, economical and allows for some diversity. Polo shirts, caps, fleeces and sweatshirts can be ordered at any time of the year. Contact the school business manager for details on how to do this or go to www.ahyde.co.uk
General: Sweatshirts or cardigan in red or royal blue - school design or plain
Polo shirts - white
Pinafore dress, skirt, tailored shorts, trousers or culottes - grey
Tights or socks - grey
Summer dress in red or blue worn with white socks
All uniform with the school logo is available from www.ahyde.co.uk. The PTA also run a second hand uniform sales. Please speak to the school business manager for details.
Sensible Shoes
We have active playtimes and it is easy to twist an ankle if the footwear is not appropriate. Open-toe sandals can be dangerous as can high heels. It is best to have a fitted shoe with laces or Velcro fastening. Trainers are not part of school uniform except for outside games lessons. Boots may be worn to and from school in cold weather and at playtimes, but not during the school day.
P.E Kit
Children will need their PE kit in school every day in a named draw-string bag. Children need shorts, t-shirt in their house colour and pumps which fit. Pumps that are too big or too small are a safety hazard. Pumps are essential in the spring and summer terms where there is a focus on dance. Trainers are an optional extra.
We have 3 houses with appropriate colours and you may buy t-shirts to give children a feeling of belonging to a house, especially on Sports day and at other team events. (Blue -Elephants, Red-Lions, Yellow-Tigers).
Year 3 and 4 children swim each half term at Shipston Pool. There is a charge for the coach travel to the pool. The cost of swimming instructors and the hire of the pool is covered by the school. When children start swimming they will need a costume or trunks, towel and swimming cap for long hair. Year 2 have a ‘trial’ swim in their last term.
A painting shirt or overall kept in school is optional but useful.
Jewellery is not part of school uniform and can be a safety risk. If children have pierced ears, they may wear small studs. Watches and small stud earrings must be removed for PE. If earrings cannot be removed, they should be taped over by the child prior to the start of the PE lesson. If the child is unable to do this, an adult will help.