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Ilmington Church of England Primary

School Council Update- The Ilmington Learner Toolkit

The School Council led us in collective worship this morning and part of this included an update about our Ilmington Learner Toolkit. The Ilmington Learner Toolkit was devised by the School Council and is a set of skills that the children use to help them to be successful learners. The School Council ran a competition when they revised the skills in 2021 and each child in the school had the opportunity to design a logo for one of the toolkit skills. The children work hard to improve these skills and, if they have demonstrated one of them, they receive a Toolkit sticker and they share their success in Collective Worship.

Click here to see our Ilmington Learner Toolkit logos. 

Thank you School Council! 

The Ilmington Learner Toolkit 2022