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Ilmington Church of England Primary

Ilmington Traditions

At Ilmington C of E Primary School, we are very proud of all of the special things that make us different from other schools. We are a village school with a rich history and traditions that go back many years. 

Ilmington 11

The 'Ilmington 11' are 11 amazing adventures that each child who attends Ilmington School has the opportunity to take part in.

Click here to find out more about it ! 

May Day

May Day is the highlight of the year for many of our children. Each year group has special roles in the ceremony including dances and a procession. As part of our learning about the British Value of Democracy, a May Monarch and Town Crier are elected from Year 6. Families are invited to attend our May Day celebrations to share in our singing, country dancing and elections. 

Village Friends

At Ilmington School we have strong connections with our villagers. Our Village Friends are invited to school events, such as the productions, church services and Christmas events. The children deliver gifts and greetings cards to the Village Friends at special times in the Christian calendar. They are invited to school for a cream tea with the Year 3 and 4 children as part of their Ilmington 11 badge for Community Cares. 

Morris Dancing

The children in Year 5 work with the Traditional Ilmington Morris Dancers each year to learn the dance to Shepherd's Hey. The children perform this dance at our annual May Day celebrations. Mr Bryan also works with the Year 5 children on their local history project where they learn about the history of Morris Dancing in our village. 


Harvest is a special time at Ilmington School. The children in Class 3 lead our church service, which families and Village Friends are invited to attend at St. Mary's. The children bring in items to be donated to the food bank as a gesture of friendship to those in need. 

Birthday Song 

At Ilmington School we have our own birthday song which is sung to those whose birthday it is at the end of our collective worship. 


Christmas is an exciting time at Ilmington School, as well as a very busy one! Children across the school are involved in our productions and Christmas Carol Service and our school community look forward to these events each year.