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Ilmington Church of England Primary


Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement


At Ilmington C of E Primary School, we recognise the benefits that a high quality computing education can have in equipping children for the digital world - a world that is ever changing.

We believe our curriculum should equip children with the basics (being able to create, communicate, collaborate, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology) at a level suitable for developing for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world, while at the same time ensuring they are adaptable to new innovations which occur all the time. It is also vital that we teach our children to engage in these activities as safely as possible.

Our Computing curriculum:

  • Provides opportunities for children to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • Provides children with a curriculum in which skills progress across year groups
  • Allows children to problem-solve and review
  • Prepares and enables children to keep themselves safe online by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills
  • Enhances and extends children’s learning across the whole curriculum
  • Provides opportunities for children to work alone and to collaborate
  • Empowers children to become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology as an aid to learning and for the real world beyond school



At Ilmington C of E Primary School, we follow Kapow Primary Computing scheme of learning which ensures a broad and balanced coverage of all aspects of the National Curriculum. This scheme ensures all skills are covered over the school year and that each year those skills progress, as documented on our progression of skills document. We chose this scheme specifically as the units do not have to be completed in a particular order while still ensuring coverage within our mixed age classes.

The Kapow Primary scheme is organised inot five key areas (Computer systems and networks, programming, creating media, data handling and online safety), creating a cyclical route through which pupils can develop their computing knowledge and skills by revisiting and building on previous learning.

Computing is timetabled as a standalone subject in order to ensure the skills are taught progressively. The skills can then be used in other subject areas to enhance the learning in meaningful ways. Timetabling is coordinated across the school to ensure resources are available to all when they are needed.

All resources (laptops, ipads, etc) are shared throughout the school and there is an interactive whiteboard in all classrooms, the library and the hall.

A typical lesson will recap on previous knowledge and skills, introduce the objective(s) for the lesson, contain a demonstration of the new skill (if applicable) and enable children to practise and apply the skill/use the new knowledge in an appropriate context.

For students with SEND, technology provides great opportunities for accessing learning, for enabling communication and preparing them for their future lives. Within our scheme, activities involve group or paired working which encourages peer learning.

Work is saved in a variety of places determined by its content and the software or hardware used to create it. Cross curricular work can be found in curriculum books. Self-assessments undertaken after each unit can be found in curriculum books along with photographs of examples of work completed within that unit.



  • Most of our learners achieve age-related expectations in Computing at the end of each year. 
  • Learners retain previous learning and build upon it in a sequential manner. 
  • Learners feel confident to experiment and be creative in Computing learning opportunities.
  • Learners are able to use and apply their Computing knowledge and skills in a range of subjects.
  • Learners can demonstrate and explain previous Computing learning opportunities using age appropriate vocabulary.
  • Learners can share their work with pride and talk about their enjoyment of Computing learning opportunities.