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Ilmington Church of England Primary

Collective Worship

As a church school, collective worship is an important time where we come together to share in celebrating God's love and learning more about our Christian faith. At Ilmington School collective worship is led by the children, with input from staff members and the church community. Using a variety of resources, we aim to support the children in developing their spirituality, as well as to become more understanding of the beliefs of others. 

We come together corporately four times a week where the children help to lead us in our worship. On the fourth day of the week each class has a time of collective worship together which helps the children to feel more confident in leading times of worship together.

Our worship times are invitational and usually include a story, reflection, drama, prayer and a song with participation from those children who wish to participate. Throughout the year we follow the Roots and Fruits programme which helps us to focus on a theme each half term.

We are really pleased to welcome two local clergy to the school on a rota basis to come and help us lead collective worship, Richard Cooke from St Mary's, Ilmington and Daniel Pulham from Stour Valley Baptist Church in Shipston.

Generally, on the first Wednesday of each month we visit St Mary's Church where the classes help Richard Cooke, the rector, to lead us in a time of collective worship, our Worship Wednesdays. Parents, friends and governors are invited to join us at these events.